Lowongan Kerja Nisan Motor Cikampek Agustus 2011
Production Engineer Staff - Before September 10th, 2011
Purwakarta (Cikampek)
Job Description :
- Capacity Invrease andnew model launch preparation
- To be able to set up new procedure and its preparation for new process.
- Grasping paint quality on vehicle.
- Analysis of abnormal factor.
- Technical support to abnormal condition.
- dapacity of each process. KAIZEN Activities (Quality improvement, reduction of direct materials, Man hours).
- Analysis of chronic quality problem and its countermeasure.
- Finding cost reduction item and suggestion for implementation of KAIZEN.
- Paint shop process line equipment and facility confirmation
- Analysis problem of Down time equipments and its countermeasure corporate with Maintenance section.
- Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Has more than 2 years experiences in the same field.
- Single/Married, age maximum 32 years old.
- Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
- Have good analytical thinking, numerical ability, logic of verbal, and good perspective.
- Have good communication skill, interpersonal relationship, and able to work in team.
- Computer literate, fast learned, can work under pressure, available work overtime, hard working and interest in automotive.
NMI – Plant Cikampek
Job description :
- Conducts program assessments to identify dept program deficiencies
- Design, develops and conduct safety programs
- Develops and maintains safety & health program
- Conduct periodic health, safety audits in all dept
- Plans and promotes safety programs
- Assist with accident inverstigations as needed, insures that process take necessary corrective action
- Able to work at night shifts (safety)
- Single, Male, 25 – 28 years old
- D III or Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Health & Safety with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Min 2 years experience in similar field
- Able to communicate in English
- Good communication skill and leadership
- Has good communication skill, and able to work in team
- Fast learned, available work overtime, hardworking, and can work under pressure
- Able to work accuracy, good perspective, logic of verbal and analitical thinking
- (Subject: Safety Staff)
Location : Nissan Plant - Cikampek
Job description :
- To manage the After Sales Localization
- To manage Cost Reduction Performance in After Sales
- Single, 23 - 25 years old
- Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Engineering, with GPA min 2.90 out of 4.00
- Fluent in English
- Has 1 year experience in similar field would be an advantage
- Preferable staying in Purwakarta area.
- (Subject: After Sales Buyer Senior Staff)
Working Location : Nissan MT. Haryono (HO)
Job Description:
- Produce faktur for police registration & VIN
- Accept request police reg from dealers
- Received PP8/PP 19 from GSO (for duty free)
- Received form & PIB set (PIB, SUT, TPT from EXIM)(for CBU)
- Distribute police faktur & VIN / NIK
- Sort by delaer
- Record faktur by dealer
- Send to dealers
- Filling
- Associate degree (Diploma) from reputable university, major in Economy, Accounting, Computerized Accountancy, Informatics Engineering with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Preferably fresh graduate
- Min 1 year experience in similar field
- Single, Female, 23 - 26 years old
- Able to speak English, min Passive
- Able to operate computer (Ms. Office, especially Ms. Excel and Ms. Word)
- Have good initiatives, good perspective, communication skill, fast learned, and able to work in under pressure situation
- (Subject: Sales & Marketing)
Working Location : Plant Cikampek
Job Description:
- Control Supplier-Part Inspection Standar, Control Plan and NMI Part-Inspection Standard
- Improve Inspection job with TQA Genba Leaders
- Problem analysis in Trim Chassis Line related to part problem
- Feedback, guiding and controlling result of related department / company
- Improve weakness point of job system / procedure
- To train Genba QA for new / modified inspection item / inspection tool or equipment
- To analyze inspection data, proposed improvement activity, conduct and monitoring it
- To check supplier technical document and to give feed back
- Establish inspection instruction to NMI Genba (by inspection standard)
- Making technical report of a problem
- Making improvement proposal related to weakness of job system / procedure
- Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial or Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Preferably have experience from manufacturing related to automotive business 1 - 2 year
- Male, 22-25 years old.
- Willing to be located in Purwakarta
- Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written. Japanese passive.
- Systematical analysis and problem solving ability.
- Good carefulness and self willingness.
- Willing to hard work until late (overtime) to finishing the job.
- Can be worked alone and with many persons.
- (Subject: QA Engineer)
Location : Cikampek
Job description:
- To do cost feasibility study for localization project
- To do control localization project with related function
- To do negotiation skill with vendor
- To conduct cost reduction activity for localization project and current model with consider quality, cost, delivery, development and method
- Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Has 1-2 years experience in the same related field (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
- Single, age maximum 26 years old
- Willing to be placed in Purwakarta
- Has high analysis skill and can work under pressure
- Has good interpersonal skill, negotiation skill, communicative
- Has organization experience
- Fluent in English is a must (both oral and writte
- (Subject: Buyer)
Working Location : Nissan Spare Part Center - Purwakarta
Job Description :
- Assure the smoothness of warehouse day to day operation
- Improve productivity
- Enhance 5S
- Stock opname accuracy
- Cost Efficiency in warehouse operational
- Allocate man power tu support daily operation
- Manage storage location to accomodate incoming parts
- Make report and data analysis
- Understand inventory system & its software
- Bachelor degree from reputable university, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Min 3 year experience in warehouse (automotive experience is advantage)
- Male, 30 year old
- Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written
- Have high analysis skill, smart, more on accuracy, logic of verbal, numerical ability, can work under pressure, hard and also smart worker, target & result oriented
- Has good interpersonal relationship, communication skill and able to work in team and personal
- (Subject: Warehouse)
Job Description :
- New Model, Minor Change, In house & Capacity up Project
- Standar Time setting
- Man Power calculation
- Line balancing & Man Assignment (Genba Supporting)
- Productivity Enhancement
- Jobload analysis
- Just In Time Sheet analysis
- DSTR (Productivity) analysis
- Equipment Efficiency analysis
- Kaizen
- Genba Kanri Enhancement
- Production floor auditor
- Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00.
- Age maximum 27 years old.
- Has more than 2 years experience in the same related fields.
- Have strong analytical thinking, numerical ability, logic of verbal, good perspective, and more on accuracy.
- Fluent in English is a must (both oral and written).
- Have good communication skill, interpersonal skill and able to work in a team.
- Computer literate, fast learned, can work under pressure, available work overtime, hard working.
- Has drawing skill and enthusias
- (Subject: Industrial Engineering)
Job specification:
- Position: Call Agent (Outsource)
- Department: Customer Relation
- Working Location: NTC TB Simatupang (Jakarta)
- Contacting and interacting with customer as needed
- Follow up customer inquiries to internal party
- Monitor call center in trend
- Summarise call center activities
- Single, 25 – 35 years old
- Diploma degree
- Has more than 1 years experience in the same related field, preferably having customer handling / call center background
- Have a good interpersonal relationship, good communication skill, able to work in team
- Fluent in English
- Fast Learned, can work under pressure, computer literate
- Hard working, interest in automotive
- (Subject: Call Center)
Working Location : Nissan TB Simatupang
Job description:
- Prepre training material for basic technician and N-STEP 1
- Delivery training to develop basic skil and skill - up
- Wrap-up training result and administration
- Min DIII Teaching – Mechanical with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Has experience min as assistant teacher of technical high school
- Single, Male, 25 - 30 years old
- Able to operate computer (Ms. Office, especially Ms. Excel)
- Capable to coach and train new technicians and able to deliver material in logic and systematic
- Have good analysis, can work under pressure, learner and hardworker
- Has good interpersonal relationship, communication skill & able to work as team
- (Subject: Instructor Staff)
Working Location : Nissan MT Haryono
Job Description :
- Collecting data analysis to compare actual and budget / forecast
- Preparing Operating expenditure (indirect) variance analysis report
- Preparing depreciation budget / forecast report
- Supporting budget / forecast preparation for consolidation company
- Preparing simulation for imported vehicle costs
- Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Accounting with GPA min 3.00
- Has 1 year experience in related fields would be an advantage (Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply)
- Single, age 23 – 38 years old
- Have good communication skill, presentation skill and able to work in team
- Powerpoint skills to prepare management presentation. (E.g. familiar with to paste Excel format into powerpoint slide)
- Fluent in English is a must (both oral and written)
- Have strong analytical, good interpersonal skills, can work under pressure with tight deadline and fast learned
- (Subject: CP)
Location :Nissan MT Haryono
Job description :
- Follow up issued PO Import related to costing
- Process, Preparing & Checking AP - Import / Local
- Monitoring Clearing Account Import / Local
- Monitoring Receiving Inventory Import on Quantity and Amount on Inventory Sub System and GL
- Process and Monitoring Up Date Purchase Costing
- Monitoring Inventory WIP, Finished Good on Q and Amount
- Monitoring Actual Cost Unit Production
- Reconcile Data GL and Subsystem Inventory
- Reconcile Outstanding SA/AR/SP Balance (Sub Ledger & Aging with GL Social Ability)
- Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Accounting with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00 (Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply)
- Male, single, age maximum 25 years old
- Have good numerical ability, analytical thinking, and logic of verbal
- Have good interpersonal relationship & able to work as team.
- Fast learner, hard working, can work under pressure, available work overtime.
- Have interest in automotive.
- Fluent in English (both oral and written).
- (Subject: ACC)
Working Location : Nissan Plant Purwakarta - Cikampek
- Willing to be trained at Thailand for several months.
- Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Automotive, Electrical, Industrial, or Mechanical Engineering, with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
- Preferably have experience in manufacturing (fresh graduate are welcome to apply).
- Single, 22-26 years old.
- Understand automotive parts and can read technical drawing will be an advantage.
- Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written (TOEIC score > 500).
- Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure.
- (Subject: R & D)
Please submit your complete application letter via E-mail. Only short listed candidates who meet requirement will be notified.
Apply Job (Put Position Code as your Email Subject)